

#124 Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg: What Type Of Parent Are You?

#124 Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg: What Type Of Parent Are You?

Authoritarian parents. Permissive parents. Disengaged parents. Lighthouse parents. How would you describe the parents you had as a kid and, more importantly, what type are you now that you’re a parent? The answer could speak volumes about how you interact with your kids when it comes to the rules of the house, how to build resilience, and how much you value expressing emotions. And it will likely determine just how strong the bond is between you and your kids for the rest of their lives.

On this episode of Paternal, Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg -  a pediatrician specializing in Adolescent Medicine at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine - breaks down the different styles of parenting and which one consistently yields the best results for children. He also discusses a pair of challenges often echoed by fathers on Paternal - how to honor your kids’ emotions instead of shutting them down, and why it’s crucial to show yourself some grace in front of your kids. 

Dr. Ginsburg is the author of three books on parenting including Lighthouse Parenting, available wherever you buy books beginning March 18.

#125 Joseph Earl Thomas: Fatherhood, Regardless of Your Expectations

#125 Joseph Earl Thomas: Fatherhood, Regardless of Your Expectations

#123 Frank: A Father’s Week Of Life On The Street (2018)

#123 Frank: A Father’s Week Of Life On The Street (2018)