

#67 Paternal Workshop: The Problem In Your Group Chat

#67 Paternal Workshop: The Problem In Your Group Chat

Award-winning research psychologist and professor Dr. Michael Addis returns to Paternal for the latest in a series of special episodes, this time to discuss how male group dynamics work, and what happens when one guy crosses the line. He also explains why some men lean on misogyny or homophobia in order to win over a crowd of new male friends, and the stakes for everyone involved.

He also introduces the concept of TRAP (trigger, response, avoidance pattern) and why it’s crucial for men to identify what kind of events serve as triggers in their life, as well as how to incrementally improve their responses over time.

Dr. Addis is a professor in the Department of Psychology at Clark University in Worcester, Mass. He also provides personal coaching and consultation for men at

#68 David Ambroz: A Place Called Home

#68 David Ambroz: A Place Called Home

#66 Chris Ballew: Fame, Fatherhood, and Caspar Babypants (2020)

#66 Chris Ballew: Fame, Fatherhood, and Caspar Babypants (2020)