#60 Michael Ian Black: The Mystery Door To Male Competence — Paternal Podcast



#60 Michael Ian Black: The Mystery Door To Male Competence

#60 Michael Ian Black: The Mystery Door To Male Competence

After a particularly feverish Twitter rant in 2018 landed him an invite to write a guest opinion on boys and violence from The New York Times, Michael Ian Black had to ask one simple question: Are you sure you want me? After all, Black is best known as a sketch and standup comic, and a particularly snarky one at that. But he wrote the essay and it subsequently went viral, leading Black to eventually pen the 2020 memoir A Better Man: A (Mostly Serious) Letter To My Son, which offers a candid take on his own boyhood, the death of his father, and why he’s concerned for his own son’s future.

On this episode of Paternal, Black recounts his adolescent experience of desperately seeking all the secrets of manhood, why he tinged his own successful brand of humor with defensive sarcasm, why even the most influential male comics rarely delve into painful vulnerability, and where he failed and succeeded as a father to his two children.

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#61 Andrew Reiner: Better Boys, Better Men

#59 Akhil Sharma: Fatherhood at Fifty

#59 Akhil Sharma: Fatherhood at Fifty