

#21 Eric Larsen: On The Ice With A Polar Explorer

#21 Eric Larsen: On The Ice With A Polar Explorer

For centuries, the ends of the Earth have captivated and courted the world’s bravest characters. The highest peaks of the Himalayas, the furthest depths of the oceans, and the poles, frozen pinpoints on opposite ends of the globe that still serve as two of the most ambitious destinations for a certain type of person you may have thought died out years ago: The explorers.

Eric Larsen is one of those people, a veteran explorer who has not only reached both the geographic north and south poles, but also summited Mount Everest. And in 2009 and 2010 he became the first person in the world to reach all three in the span of 365 days, an endeavor that cemented him as one of the most successful American explorers in recent years.

His latest mission is to establish a new speed record in reaching the South Pole, skiing and walking across 700 miles of Antarctica alone and unsupported, hauling roughly 160 pounds of gear on a sled behind him. But he’ll also be leaving his wife and two young children behind for weeks, which always raises some questions in his mind when he’s alone on the ice. On this episode of Paternal, Larsen discusses the conflict of being a leading-edge American explorer and an engaged father at the same time, and how he and his wife have worked on the unique elements of their relationship.

  • See a photo of Larsen’s custom-built mission control center here.

  • Follow along on Larsen’s Last South Expedition here.

  • Buy a copy of Larsen’s 2014 book On Thin Ice here.

#22 Jason Hairston: A Hunt For Meaning

#22 Jason Hairston: A Hunt For Meaning

#20 Joe Andruzzi: A Career After Cancer

#20 Joe Andruzzi: A Career After Cancer